Stops on request

In June 2018 Dbus and San Sebastian City Council begun the request stop pilot project in night service line B8-Miraconcha-Benta Berri-Seminario. In 2019 this service has been extended to all night services in order to improve women and under age’s security on their way home.

What are the features of this service?

This service allows passengers to alight between the official stops on the route on request, on certain sections of the route,

In which lines is it available?

Stops on request are available in Dbus’ night lines. Night lines run on Fridays, Saturdays and the days before red days, after midnight.

Who can request a stop?

Women and minors under the age of 18 may ask the bus to stop. The bus will only stop to allow passengers off. Passengers will not be allowed onto the bus when it stops.

How to request a stop?

Passengers must personally ask the driver to stop one stop ahead of the place where they wish to alight. Passengers requesting the bus stop must be ready to leave at the front of the bus and must only alight by the front door.

Where can I ask the driver to stop?

The areas where request stops are allowed are defined in each night line. Please check line information for the complete list of streets.

> See all lines

In what type of places is the bus able to stop?

In order for the bus to stop, there must be a pavement (minimum width 1,5 meters) and stopping must not cause a dangerous situation. These are some of the main circumstances under which you will not be allowed to alight:

  • The bus may not stop within five meters of a corner, crossroads or fork in the road.
  • The bus may not obstruct duly marked vehicle accesses to properties or hinder the normal use of pedestrian entrances or exits from buildings.
  • The bus will not stop in places that hinder visibility of signs to users or require users to make manoeuvres.
  • The bus may not stop on islands, median strips, level crossings, crossings for cyclists, pedestrian crossings or dropped kerbs.
  • The bus will not stop when this is not permitted by law.

However, in case of doubt, the driver will decide whether to stop. 

How can a person travelling in a wheelchair ask the driver to stop?

When accessing the bus via the ramp, passengers travelling in wheelchairs should tell the driver where to stop. The driver will tell the passenger if the requested location is suitable for lowering the ramp, and if necessary, suggest an alternative spot for the passenger to alight.